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  • Notes for Hiring a Helper
  • A. Conditions of Application

    (1) The Employer is financially capable of employing a Helper. In general, for every Helper to be employed, the employer must have a household income of no less than HK$15,000 per month or asset of comparable amount to support the employment of a Helper for the whole contractual period ;
    (2) the Helper and the employer shall enter into a standard Employment Contract (ID 407) ;
    (3) the Helper shall only perform domestic duties for the employer as specified in the standard Employment Contract (ID 407) ;
    (4) the Helper shall not take up any employment with any other person during his/her stay in Hong Kong ;
    (5) the employer will pay the Helper a salary that is no less than the minimum allowable wage as announced by the HKSAR Government. If no food is provided to the Helper, the agreed amount of food allowance should not be less than HK$1075 per month ;
    (6) the Helper shall work and reside in the contractual address only ;
    (7) the employer shall provide the Helper with suitable accommodation and with reasonable privacy ;
    (8) the bona fides of the employer and the Helper are not in doubt ;
    (9) there is no known record to the detriment of the employer and the Helper; and ;
    (10) the employer is a bona fide Hong Kong resident。

    B. Documents Required

    (1) Employer’s HKID card copy
    (2) Employer’s financial proof copy
    ***The reason for delay in visa release is always because the employers fail to provide proper and adequate financial proof***

    • An Assessment Demand Note issued by Inland Revenue Department for the current or last fiscal year (Page 1 & 2), showing an annual income HK$180,000 or above (please do NOT provide Tax Returns filed by you or your employer); or
    • The last 3 months bank auto pay wage records; or
    • Letter of Employment from a company with the evidence of payroll for at least 6 months and the monthly salary should be HK$15,000 or above. If being employed for over one year, an Assessment Demand Note must be provided; or
    • An evidence within the past 6 months showing a saving or fixed deposit of HK$350,000 or above; or
    • A letter from bank showing asset balances amounted to $ $350,000 or above in the last 6 months.(Note: If the finance proof for application includes spouse’s income, a copy of Marriage Certificate and spouse’s identity card must be provided)

    (3) An original proof of residence issued in the last one month (e.g. Bills for electricity, water, government rates, fixed telephone lines, cable TV or gas)
    Notes :
    • Financial proof, mobile bills or letters from banks are NOT accepted
    • Please provide proper address proof if employers reside in villages or small houses
    • If the employer fails to provide valid proof of residence, he/she may submit the ones for his/her spouse or child with a proof of relationship, such as birth certificates or marriage certificates and copies of ID cards
    • Public housing tenants should provide housing living permit and a floor plan of the helper’s room
    • Tenants should provide a tenancy agreement and his/her landlord’s proof of residence
    (4) A completed Application Form (ID 988A and ID 988B), original
    (5) Employment contract (ID 407), 4 original copies

    C. Budget of Expenditure

    (1) Helper’s monthly salary (HK$4,010 x 24 months) HK$96,240
    (2) Agency fee (generally one-way ticket to HK is included) 約HK$7,000
    (3) Insurance for Helper (2year) 約HK$1,280
    (4) Return ticket (from HK to Indonesia) 約HK$2,500
    (5) Travel allowance for returning to home country HK$100
    TOTAL HK$107,120
    (6) Average monthly expenditure (2 year contract, divided by 24 months) about HK$4,463

    D. Retraining Levy

    This levy has been abolished after the expiry of the suspension of its collection on 1 August 2013.

    E. Helper’s Wage

    The Minimum Allowable Wage for Helpers is : HK $4,630 per month (effective from 28 September 2019)

    Underpayment of wage is an offense.

    F. Arrangements of Food and Accommodation

    (1) Helpers generally come from tropical countries, they usually do not have clothes for winter and they are lack of daily necessities.
    (2) Employers should provide Helpers with free breakfast, lunch and dinner, or pay food allowance in lieu of free meals. (not less than HK$1121 per month, effective from 28 September 2019)
    (3) Employers must provide free accommodation for Helpers. The accommodation address must be consistent with that as prescribed in Standard Employment Contract ID407.
    (4) The scope of duties and place of work for Helpers are limited to that as prescribed in Standard Employment Contract ID407, otherwise it is an offence.

    G. Termination of Contract

    (1) If Employer or Helper intends to terminate the contract, they should provide one month notice or one month wage in lieu of notice.
    (2) According to the labour ordinance, even the Helper requests for termination of contract or commits serious misconduct, the Employer is required to pay any outstanding wages, holiday compensations as well as the air-ticket fare and transportation allowance for the Helper returning to her home country.
    (3) Within 7 days of the termination date of contract, Employer is required to inform Immigration Department in the form of a written notice. Notification of Termination of an Employment Contract (ID407E) can be faxed to Immigration Department directly. (Fax no. : 2157 9181)

    H. Rest Days

    Rest days are not compulsorily arranged on Sundays, but Employers should give Helpers 4 rest days per month, 1 rest day per week.

    Rest days are not compulsorily arranged on Sundays, but Employers should give Helpers 4 rest days per month, 1 rest day per week.

    Upon the completion of employment for 3 months, Helpers are entitled to the following statutory holidays, total 12 days per year

    (1) the first day of January
    (2) Lunar New Year's Day
    (3) the second day of Lunar New Year
    (4) the third day of Lunar New Year
    (5) Ching Ming Festival
    (6) Labour Day, being the first day of May
    (7) Tuen Ng Festival
    (8) Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Establishment Day, being the first day of July
    (9) the day following the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival
    (10) Chung Yeung Festival
    (11) National Day, being the first day of October
    (12) Chinese Winter Solstice Festival or Christmas Day (at the option of the employer)

    J. Annual Leaves

    After serving the Employer for 1 year, the Helper is entitled to 7 days' annual leave with pay.

    Years of Service   Annual Leave Entitlement
    1 7
    2 7
    3 8
    4 9
    5 10
    6 11
    7 12
    8 13
    9 or above 14

    K. Long Service Payment

    The Helper is eligible for long service payment if employed under a continuous contract for not less than 5 years.

    Formula : Monthly Wage × 2/3 × Years of Service


    The information provided on this website is for reference only and does not constitute any legal advice, guidelines or statements.

    For more details and information, please visit the following websites :

    Labour Department:

    "Practical Guide for Employment of Foreign Domestic Helpers - What foreign domestic helpers and their employers should know":
    http://www.labour.gov.hk/tc/public/pdf/wcp/FDHguide.pdf (Sep 2013)

    Quick Guide for the Employment of Domestic Helpers from Abroad [ ID(C)989 ] :

    Guidebook for the Employment of Domestic Helpers from Abroad [ ID(C)969 ] :

  • Application Procedures
  • Select a “Suitable” Helper
  • What types of household chores or what targets need to be cared may vary for different helpers. Employers must realize their family needs and understand the helpers’ characteristics, experience and background so as to find a “suitable” helper.

    The personal willingness of helpers (e.g. like caring for the elderly, infants or children) cannot be ignored. Therefore, we, as an intermediary, must not only understand the needs of Employers, but we also realize the helpers’ work experience and background, especially her personal work preferences. Employers should try to conduct interviews with helpers and allow both parties to understand each other's employment conditions. It helps both employers and helpers to have better matching!

    Filipino Helper vs Indonesian Helper
    Filipino Helper Indonesian Helper
    Language English, Tagalog Indonesian, higher ability to learn Cantonese
    (lower level of English ability, some may speak Mandarin)
    Education High school to University level Primary to High school level
    Religion Most Catholics, Christian minorities Most Muslim (do not eat pork because of religion, but can cook),
    Christian minorities
    Features Strong autonomy, Flexible thinking, understand work Introverted, behaved, Hardworking, obedient

    Local Helper vs Overseas Helper
    Local Helper Overseas Helper
    Application Time About 1.5 months About 2-3 months
    Selection Mode Interview in person Read the helper’s bio-data file & video, directly talk via IDD calls, or interview via web cam
    Adaptation Usually shorter time
    (Since the helper has work experience in Hong Kong, she should realize Hong Kong and the living style of HK people, she can adapt to new job more easily)
    Usually longer time
    (Since the helper has never been worked in Hong Kong, Employer may need to train the helper in person for a certain period of time. But this kind of helper is usually much behaved and obedient)

  • Build Up Good Relationship with Helpers - Tips for Employers
  • (1) Pay More Attention

    Helpers will fear when they first come to work in employers’ home as they are completely unfamiliar to the new environment. Employers’ attitude towards helpers is very important. Helpers work far away from their hometown in order to improve their families’ economic status. Employers must pay attention with moderate concern to helpers not only get closer with helpers, but also help them adapt to the new life with employers and prepare to work. Understanding more about helpers is also beneficial to employers.

    (2) Empathy

    We believe that everyone needs respect from others. The relationship between employers and helpers must be more harmonious if the employers use tactful tone instead of rant when helpers do something wrong. Sometimes employers will blame on helpers irrationally making them embarrassed and sad. Employers should avoid using harsh criticisms like expelling them from repatriation or similar wordings to manage the helpers.

    (3) Often Praise

    To praise appropriately is also one good way to get closer with the helpers. Patience is required when doing tedious chores. Helpers spend long time engaging in repetitive domestic work, they have very weak interaction with the outside people and things. Employers and their families become the closest people of the helpers, the praise of employers is one of the important driving force making helpers to work hard.

    (4) Intimacy

    Helpers and employers get along day and night, it will only have uncomfortable feelings if the employers treat helpers as outsiders instead of a part of family members. Taking helpers to family gatherings in restaurants, having annual dinner with helper, or buying a birthday cake to celebrate helpers’ birthday with the children are some good ways the employers can do to help building up better relationship with helpers. Helpers will be touched deeply!

  • Common Questions
  • 1. Can the Employer enter into another employment contract with the Helper?

    Cannot. All foreign domestic helpers who are working in Hong Kong are only required to enter the unique "Standard Employment Contract" (i.e. ID407). Any other kinds of employment contracts entered into by Employers and Helpers in private are illegal and which cannot be executed.

    2. How to solve the language barrier and communication problems with the Helper?

    First, Employers should examine the Cantonese or English language ability via interviews or direct dialogue during the selection and screening process. However, Cantonese is anyway not the Helper’s mother tongue, difficulties or problems in communication may arise. Employers are required to be patient and communicate with Helpers more frequently in Cantonese, so as to enhance the Helper’s Cantonese ability.

    If necessary, Employers can contact our customer service representatives, we can arrange translators to contact with the Helpers to follow-up and provide assistance.

    3. Helpers often forget the work routine and make mistakes, how to solve?

    Helpers making mistakes is mostly because the communication problems arise between the Employers and Helpers. Employers may try to repeat the demonstration in person and explain more, Helpers should jot down notes to remind themselves.

    Helpers can handle their work more easily if clear guidelines are provided. Therefore, Employers should prescribe "guidelines" for Helpers. Employers may draft the guidelines based on their personal habits and needs to draft the guidelines with daily work schedule and requirements. Employers should explain to Helpers upon their arrival and let them understand, it will reduce making mistakes.

    Employers should provide Helpers 'adaptation period'. Helpers are coming from different places and they have different cultural backgrounds and living habits. It is not easy for them to adapt to new environment quickly. Therefore, Employers should be considerate and allow about 3 months for Helpers to adapt, so that the Helpers can have enough time to learn and understand the needs of Employers.

    4. Do the Helpers have 3-months probationary period? If either the Employer or the Helper terminates the employment contract, are they required to give a 7-day notice?

    4. Do the Helpers have 3-months probationary period? If either the Employer or the Helper terminates the employment contract, are they required to give a 7-day notice?
    If the Employer or the Helper terminates the employment contract (even within the first 3 months of employment), they have to give at least 1-month notice or 1-month wage in lieu of notice, unless they have other mutual agreement

    5. If the Helper goes back to her hometown for visit before the contract end date, is the Employer required to pay for airfare?

    Not required. The Employer is required to pay the Helper for the one-way ticket for returning to the hometown, travelling expenses and food allowance.

    6. Can Employer keep Helper’s passport?

    The Employer has no rights to keep the Helper’s passport, unless it is requested or agreed by the Helper. Employers generally have misunderstanding that keeping the Helpers’ passports can increase the Helpers’ obedience, or prevent them from borrowing money from outsiders or getting other problems. But in fact, the Helpers can report loss of their passports to the police and apply for a new one from the Consulates in Hong Kong. Employers should communicate more with the Helpers in order to increase understanding and the level of trust, which is a more effective way to avoid problems.

  • Common Documents / Useful Information
  • List

     1) Hong Kong Statutory Holidays 2014
     2) Hong Kong Calendar 2014
     3) Wage Receipt $4010
     4) Application Forms
    Guidelines for Employment of Domestic Helpers from Abroad
    ID 988A Visa/Extension of Stay Application Form for Domestic Helper from Abroad (to be completed by the applicant)
    ID 988B Application for Employment of Domestic Helper from Abroad (to be completed by the employer)
    ID 407 Standard Employment Contract
    ID 407G Revised Schedule of Accommodation and Domestic Duties
    ID 678 Authorisation for Collection of Identity Card/Travel Document
    ROP1 Application for a Permanent Identity Card/an Identity Card
     5) Common Hotlines and Websites Immigration Department : 2824 6111
    Labour Department : 2717 1771
    Hong Kong Airport – Real Time Flight Information
     6) Others Zodiac Table
    Constellation Table